Laba diena,
čia vėl jums rašo shishi. shishi tikrai kinų kalba reiškia ačiū (ant kiek būtų linksmiau jei parduotuvės kortelė būtų ne ačiū, o shishi).
Ir štai mes toliau sėdim namie. Kas turėjo būt balandžio pirmąją? Nieko tokio, pamiršot, mes nepamiršom.
- o davai susiskambinam trečiadienį.
- ok, o kada čia bus?
Kaip istorijos datos mokykloj klaidžiojo po galvos stalčiukus, taip ir atsakyt į klausimą kelintadienis yra šiandien yra gan sunku. Tokiapačiadieniai truputį gaunas.
ŽINOKIT, BALANDŽIO 1, TA DIENA, KAI shishi PALEIS DAR VIENĄ DAINĄ GYVENT SAVO NEPRIKLAUSOMO GYVENIMO, MOKĖT SAVO MOKESČIUS IR DARYT SAVO SPRENDIMUS. O mes jai mojam ir linkim sėkmės. Muzikai jėga - gali keliaut, sienos neuždarytos. Jums kaip shishinewsletterio fol'lover'iam - ekskliūziv perklausa.
Maria Rosa truputį kraustosi iš proto, iš koncertų ilgesio, pradėjo rengt koncertus gėlėms ( human plant concertation, get it? ). ĮRODYMUS ŽIŪRĖTI ČIA.
Klausykim dainų, būkim sveiki, nieko nebijokim ( ta prasme, laukiniam liūtui galvos į nasrus nekištume, tai nepamirškit ir racijos benebijodami, ok ? )
tai tiek šiam kartui,
su meile iš vis dar madingiausio trijų metrų atstumo,
it's shishi again. Did you know that shishi actually means 'thank you' in Chinese? ( how fun would it be that instead of this discount card ačiū, we'd have shishi. If you're not familiar with this card- it's not funny for you, we be sorry HEY.)
So we're still sitting at home, like you, hopefully. What was supposed to happen on the 1st of April? YOU FORGOT? It's okay. We didn't.
- hey, let's call each other on Wednesday!
- ok, when is it gonna be?
In history classes all these dates we had to learn where lost in the brain drawers, would stop making sense - mafitishei you could say, so now it's the same with what day is today. It's Sameday. Yesterday was Sameday too, and all upcoming tomorrows seem to be like Samedays too. flachudi kliush pardon us.
JUST SO YOU KNOW TOO - 1st of April shishi is releasing their song LIAR to live its own grown up life, pay its taxes, and have plans (and plants) of its own. DONE, FLY AWAY LITTLE LIAR, MAKE SURE YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. It's pretty cool to be music. There are no borders and you can travel wherever you want. And because you're our fol'lovers/ super'scribers - we present you EXCLUSIVE LISTEN BEFORE ANYONE ELSE CAN YOUTUBE LINK - OMG, ISN'T IT VUDIVUDI YAY????
Oh, Maria Rosa is getting mafitishei, she missed the concerts so much, she started organising concerts for the plants. The ticket is cheap, only 20 euros. But the plants have no money so she does it for free. HOW GENEROUS, right???
very generous Maria Rosa is. Gotta send some love.
Okay, so, let's listen to music, let's be healthy, and let's not be afraid of anything. ( but please do use some rational thinking - for example - putting your head into wild lions mouth - wouldn't recommend. You do understand, right? ok. fjuch.)
that's it for sameday,
see you soon
loads of love from most fashionable 3m distance,